Feb 24
Bid ended

RFQ - To Provide Water Well Drilling Services For The Bay Vista Well Site #9348

Biloxi, MS (G-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Bid Date2/24/21 4:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Biloxi
Ed Ott  

The City of Biloxi is requesting Qualification Statements for Professional Services relating to an existing water well site located in west Biloxi. The Bay Vista Water Well & Tank Site is an above ground elevated tank with two submersible pumps and a 16 inch diameter well casing. Well operations have ceased at the Bay Vista Site as the well drawdown has reached limits that are not desirable. This project is funded by the City of Biloxi, through its Public Works Department’s Water & Sewer Fund (aka Water & Sewer Enterprise Fund).

Proposers for the above work shall furnish the following information:


1. Documentation of previous experience with water well drilling and drinking water & water pumping systems
2. Documentation regarding the experience of the individual/partnership/firm/company in planning, design, environmental permitting, State Health Department Guidelines and requirements and coordination and construction of similar water well projects.
3. Description of the company’s work force, including the number, names and title of employees and staff available to provide requested services. Provide the qualifications and experience of each employee and staff member to be assigned to this project.

In addition, qualification statements shall include the ability to coordinate efforts of a project team. Members of the project team will include representatives of the City of Biloxi Public Works Department, the City Engineering Department, and any other representatives deemed as necessary by the Mayor and City Council. Services shall include, but are not limited to, the following: preparation & submittal of plans & specifications for project construction; obtaining any and all necessary Federal & State Approvals for the Project; preparation & submittal of design alternatives and cost estimates of the work that provides the City a well site that is fully operational and well drilling services and any and all necessary construction work that results in a fully operational well & tank site, and preparation and submittal of as-built & record drawings and submittal of Operations & Maintenance and Repair/Replace Recommendations (O&M and RR&R) documents.

Site visits to the City of Biloxi’s Bay Vista Water Well & Tank Site can be scheduled upon request by contacting Billy Ray Allen, Public Works Director, 214-A Delauney Street., Biloxi, MS 39530 between the hours of 7 A.M. and 4 P.M., Monday through Friday, phone# 228-435- 6271, and questions concerning this request for qualifications should also be directed to Billy Ray Allen at the same phone number provided above.

Proposals for this project will be rated according to the following criteria:

1. EXPERIENCE with similar well drilling and drinking water system projects;
2. OUALIFICATIONS, know le dge, and techn ic a l expe1t ise in this and simila r projects;
3. CAPACITY FOR PERFORMA NCE to perform required services in a timely manner, given current workload and staff.

All qualificatio ns will be rated on the following system to determine the best proposal: Description and maximum points: Experience – 40; Qualifications – 30; Capacity -30 Total: 100 Poin ts.

Qualificatio ns will be revie wed by a selec tio n co mm ittee us ing the above selec tion criteria. A written contract will be nego tiated with the individua l/pa1t nership/firm/com pany whose quali ficatio ns are within the co mpetitive range and determined by the co mmittee to be the most advantageous to the City, qualification s and experie nce and other factors cons idered.

The City of Biloxi reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informality in the proposal accepted. The City of Biloxi is an equal opportunity employer.

Qualificatio ns should be properly sealed and labeled “City of Biloxi Bay Vista Water Well -
Qualifications & Proposal for Services”.

Three (3) comple te sets of Qualificatio ns s hall be delivered by ma il to or ha nd de livered to the Mayor’ s Office, second floor, City Hall, 140 Lame use Street, Bil o xi, MS 39530, P.O. Box 429, Biloxi, MS 39533 no later than 4:00 P.M., February 24, 2021.

Published by order of the Municipal Clerk, this the 15th day of January, 2021

Publish Twice:
January 21, 2021
January 28, 2021